A creative, compassionate global changemaker who causes cultures of belonging in which organisations and individuals feel valued, connected and safe...Ishreen Bradley provides motivational conversations, coaching and supportive networking so that you can improve your financial, social and psychological freedom, leading to increased independence and confidence.
Her passion is that everyone has a fair crack in life.
To this end, she conducts research in to the barriers people face at work and uses this insight to influence organisational and public policy so that people get to be free...to be their authentic selves – happy and confident; achieving the success they seek and contributing to the people and communities they care about.
Meet Ishreen

Are you someone who wants to progress in your career but finds that you are stuck because you are not sure how to handle certain situations?
Do you find your direct approach gets you into trouble? OR does your tendency to avoid conflict get in the way of your progress?
Do the conversations you have in your head stop you from taking actions that you know will benefit you?
Do you hide your difference rather than celebrate and communicate the positive contribution it makes?
Many of the people I meet with in my work say they face these challenges, and it is becoming clear that they have to invest in themselves if they are to progress at the rate they are capable of.
My passion is that everyone gets a fair crack in life.
This requires awareness about certain ways of working and communicating in large organisations.
Such insights about ways of working are widely understood by the ‘mainstream’, but if you are on the edges…and maybe slightly different from the ‘mainstream’, you may find that these ways of thinking and working can feel somewhat alien. You get a sense that success depends on more than working hard, being a good person and following the published operating procedures…but there is just something you can’t put your finger on.
As a professional community, we need a way to open these ‘hidden’ practices up to everyone – no matter what their difference – whether you are a South Asian Single Mother…or a Jewish South African gay man…or another specific group that you self-identify with
…there needs to be a place where you can access the skills that seem natural to the ‘mainstream’
…a safe place where you can have confidential conversations with people like you
That is why I created The AuthenticYou Movement
Ishreen Bradley