Thank you for continuing to grow with
The AuthenticYou Movement!
Your Advance Membership is your key to expanding your executive presence an impact!​
You have chosen to invest in yourself in such a deep way that you will understand more fully who you really are and how you to be valued, connected and safe...just by being your authentic self
As a thank you for joining our Movement, we have donated a years’ worth of e-learning to a child in rural India - a part of our commitment to fulfilling on The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 10: 'Reduced Inequalities'. Your gratitude certificate is on its way.
You now have access to:
Click on the links above to get started
As an Advocate Member you can also join a Home Group to network with other movement members and have learning conversations between our group
sessions to really explore, understand and practice our strategies and tools. You will join your Home Group after your first Strategy & Tools call.
Andrea is our lovely community manager. You are welcome to email her at if there is anything you need during your membership.
As an Advance Member, you have other benefits that we will discuss with you on the phone
These calls are your opportunity to practice new strategies and tools that cause people to connect with you and what is different about you resulting in an increased appreciation of your contribution and impact.
We lunch and learn on Zoom at 12-2pm on the first Monday of every month (with a few exceptions to account for holidays). Click here for the lunch and learn call schedule and dial in details.
First please download and install zoom on your mobile and laptop:
Then click here to book your place on these calls. You will then receive an email with all the dial in details, including a zoom link for the calls. Do remember to book the calls into your calendar so that you don't miss out!

On these calls we check in and delve into anything you are dealing with at work so that you can directyapply the strategies and tools we work with to real life work situations.
The monthly all members coaching calls are every third Monday of the month (again with a few exceptions for the holidays). Click here for the full schedule.
Click here to book you place on these calls. You will receive an email with all the dial in details, including a zoom link for the calls. Don't forget to add the call times into your calendar and join us so that you maximise value from your membership.
Our mobile App: The AuthenticYou Hub brings you:
Monday Maximisers - nugget sized reflections and activities to keep your practice of strategies and tools alive
Tuesday Tips to expand and deepen your understanding of the subjects we are covering
Friday Fun to take a more playful look at the topics
Byte sized knowledge nuggets including videos of the 'taught' sections and presentations from our calls.
You will receive an email invitation from to join the hub. Please email to let us know if you have not received this email invitation.
Click here for a short video on how to get the best from the hub.
Click here for a pdf user guide for the hub
Once you have joined, you can:​
- complete your membership profile
​add your details to the address book so that you can connect with other people in the community
explore the video and document knowledge nuggets that are already there so that you get connected to the jui
set up a chat group for any challenges you want to discuss with the community

Even if you know that you are competent and powerful you can still feel excluded at work… as a professional woman…an ambitious young graduate…someone who is differently, white or rainbow.
Guess what? Times are changing…being different is powerful and sought after.
Imagine if you really invested yourself in understanding and using your value…your whole world and life can change.
You know you are good
…but does your organisation recognise that?
We can show you how to move forward with impact…beyond any fear that they may be right…or the voice of your imposter syndrome that you are not ready yet.

“I understand how I can use my values, vision and proposition to benefit my organisation and live my life fulfilled and passionately. I understand the value I offer at work and home.”
Global Insurer
“It was a very different way of thinking for me, but one that has really clarified things for me. I focused on ‘who I am’ and my essence – I feel really confident now.”
Becca White, Deputy MD
PR Agency