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How to whitelist our emails



Here’s how to add our emails to your list of trusted contacts in Gmail.   This will ensure that our emails with valuable info, tips, videos and announcements will arrive in your "Primary" mailbox instead of "Advertising".


Take the following steps in your Gmail account…it will take a few seconds and will ensure you receive all our emails:


  1. Search in your Gmail mailbox under the tab "Advertising" (1) for the email from sender info@equalitypioneers, or with the visible names “Ishreen Bradley”.  An example might be the e-mail to download an ebook after you have requested this or perhaps a welcome e-mail. (2)

  2.  Drag this mail to the "Primary" tab (3)


You will then be asked whether you also want to do this for future messages. Select "Yes" here. 


Please repeat these steps for the following email addresses as well: 

andrea@equalitypioneers and 


and also for the visible name “Andrea”


From now on new mails from us will come into your primary folder.

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